Holzalm-Käsealm playground

Playground with mountain views and fresh air

The playground at Holzalm Käsealm is an ideal spot for children to experience nature and play.

Surrounded by picturesque mountain landscapes and idyllic alpine meadows, the playground offers numerous attractions, such as swings, climbing frames, and slides.

Families can take a well-deserved break after a hike or a relaxing visit to the alpine hut, enjoying the fresh mountain air.

The peaceful location and stunning views of the surrounding mountains make the playground a special destination for a relaxing family outing.

Opening hours
24/05/2025 - 04/10/2025
monday - sunday

Summer operation only

Holzalm Käsealm
Sommer Andi
Innerpenningberg 32
6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental